Danish CV platform Novorésumé goes global

Local startup looks to gain future international success

Two years ago, a group of students from Copenhagen Business Academy created Novorésumé – a startup aimed at helping job-seekers in Denmark.

The founders of the company were responding to complaints from their classmates that they couldn’t get interviews with corporations hiring in the city.

To meet this problem, the students designed a range of attractive cover letter and résumé templates that clients used to demonstrate their skills, experience and suitability for work roles.

Novorésumé has latterly gone on to become an international success, accumulating a user base of 457,000 people among 190 countries.

The startup recently launched an online platform with a range of new features as it seeks to take a greater global market share within the recruitment industry.

A local triumph
Marie Helles, who mentored the company’s founders at CPH Business Incubator, argued they were an example of the notable entrepreneurial talent present in Copenhagen.

“This is a great case of how a startup can find a unique solution to a common problem,” Helles said.

“Novorésumé saw how technology and design could enhance people’s chances of getting job interviews. They’ve managed to build a successful business around the issue through both their effective approach to marketing and a ‘bootstrap’ approach to their work.”

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