Hot stuff! Earliest summer day in over 50 years?

Temps could swing up to 25

April’s been one hell of a rollercoaster ride so far in Denmark.

From minus temperatures one day, to plus 15 the next, you never really know what to expect this year. That’s no different today.

With temperatures expected to possibly soar up to 25 degrees in some parts of the country today, the Danes could very well see the earliest summer day in over half a century, when temps exceeded 25 on 17 April 1964.

READ MORE: Dreaded birch pollen season begins with promise it will be bad if the weather remains warm

Cooler weekend
The biggest chance of this occurring is in south Jutland, near the Danish-German border, while the rest of the country will likely see temperatures of around 20 degrees.

Really, it’s all about taking advantage of the warm weather over the next couple of days. Because nothing lasts forever – especially decent weather in Denmark!

According to the national weather forecaster DMI, temperatures are set to drop steeply at the weekend to around 15 degrees again, while temperatures may fall to as low as 10 early next week.

Moreover, the dreaded allergy season kicked off for most sufferers yesterday as well, with the birch pollen count rocketing up to 138 particles per cubic metre in Copenhagen.

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