Nye Borgerlige in mayhem: New party head fired

Right wing party’s star has faded significantly in the wake of Pernille Vermund stepping down from the party recently

Nye Borgerlige was founded in 2015 as a right-wing alternative to Dansk Folkeparti (DF) following the General Election that year.

Led by the firebrand Pernille Vermund, the party quickly rose to supplant DF as the most popular conservative party in Denmark.

But since Vermund’s shock decision to step away from politics recently, the party has been plunged into disarray. 

It all culminated last night with the party’s announcement that Vermund’s replacement, Lars Boje Mathiesen, has been sacked as head and excluded by the party barely a month after his appointment.

READ ALSO: Nye Borgerlige loses mandate following election night drama

Cracks appeared after election
According to a correspondence released by the party, Mathiesen was dismissed after demanding about 350,000 kroner to eb transferred from a party account to his own personal account to pay for a “personal branding campaign” that the party had not sanctioned.

Mathiesen threatened to leave the party should his demands not be met.

According to the mail, which Nye Borgerlige released to its members, Mathiesen also demanded over 2.6 million kroner to become head of the party.

The party will start the process of finding a new head immediately.

For his part, Mathiesen has denied the allegations, describing them as “untrue and embarrassing”.

Even before Vermund left the party, there were cracks appearing in the foundation.

In the immediate slipstream of a successful 2022 General Election, the party lost a mandate when Mette Thiesen jumped ship to become an independent just six days after election.

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