About Town: DGI-byen now known as Kimono-city

The Chinese Embassy took over the concert hall at the Royal Danish Academy of Music on February 23 to present several performances to mark the Chinese New Year and the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between China and Denmark. 

The ongoing Latin American Film Festival has been packing them in at Valby Kino. Argentine charge d’affaires Marcelo Pujo (second left) and Mukti Nath Bhatta joined Venezuelan ambassador Aura Mahuampi Rodriquez de Oritz (left) for one of the screenings.

Israeli ambassador Barukh Binah was among those in attendance at the Jewish Film Festival at Cinemateket, which concluded on Sunday.

Ulla Håkansson (with flowers), the long-term administrator at London Toast Theatre and right hand woman of Vivienne McKee (also pictured), celebrated her 50th birthday with friends at Restaurant Promenaden on Monday.

Viggo Mortensen, the Danish-American actor, was in town on Saturday to pick up an honorary Bodil. Here he is pictured with ICC president Hasse Ferrold.

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