Do internationals in Denmark stay away from the polls?

International voters in Denmark can make a difference in the upcoming elections. Will they?

100.000 internationals are eligible to vote in Copenhagen. Photo: Copenhagen Municipality Culture and Leisure Administration

Between 2019 and 2022, voter participation in the Danish national elections decreased from 68 to 61 percent for non-Western immigrants. In comparison, voter participation was at 80 percent for Western immigrants, reports Berlingske.

If you think these are very strong numbers, you should know that, unlike many Western countries where voter turnout is very low, often around 40-50%, things are different in Denmark. In the last national election, the turnout was 83%. While local elections often perform worse worldwide, the voter turnout in the 2021 local election for the Copenhagen City Council was 60%. In other words, the participation rate in Denmark is very high.

With 100,363 international residents being able to vote in the November municipality and regional elections in Copenhagen alone, the question is: Will they vote, and if not, why?

Read also: 100,000 internationals can vote in local elections in Copenhagen

Kasper Møller Hansen, a political scientist and professor at Copenhagen University, believes that a lack of democratic integration and varied social dynamics may cause many to abstain from voting.

Integrating a sense of democracy in internationals

The integration of international residents primarily focuses on education and the workplace, but according to Hansen, Denmark falls short democratically.

Knowledge of Danish democracy and the voting system that most Danes are brought up with, cannot be assumed for all internationals.

This holds true, he thinks, especially for those who have immigrated from countries where democracy or democratic traditions aren’t as strong. 

Whereas internationals from Germany or Norway, where voter participation plays a larger role in the country’s culture, have a higher tendency of also voting while residing in Denmark.

The lack of democratic upbringing combined with Denmark being behind in democratic integration causes a “negative spiral”, affecting the voting percentages in local and national elections,  Møller Hansen says.

Having someone to vote with 

Another factor can be social dynamics and living alone. Hansen means internationals are more likely to vote if they live with someone else or communicate their voting with their family or friends.

Nearly half of Copenhagen’s population lives alone, reports København Liv.

This can challenge participation, especially for those where voting is not considered a norm as it becomes easier to stay away from the voting polls:

“If you live with someone else it’s harder to stay away from the voting booths. If someone asks, ‘Should we go down and vote?’ most people would probably say yes,” Møller Hansen explains.

The mobilizing of international voters through their community is significant and brings in a larger variety of candidates and representatives.

“This is something politicians should fight more for. Every time you get someone to stand as a candidate or representative, it can attract more votes. So, it’s a whole network, not only with political parties, but also in relation to, for example, family relations are also very strong, if not the strongest,” Møller Hansen says. 

When parents vote, their kids are also more likely to vote.

Talking about voting can include both calling a parent or bringing your friend with you to the polls, and the sense of community that is built can help mobilize international voters even if their knowledge of the system is one, they haven’t been brought up with.

Bringing international voters to the polls doesn’t start with explaining who or what they should vote for, but rather who they should vote with.

“By having someone to vote with, the information will follow suit.”

Not overlooking the positive

Hansen expresses how in the debate on international’s voting patterns, one sometimes loses the positive aspects and stories.

Danes must consider the complex democratic system that the country is made up of, and how the multiple parties can seem confusing and chaotic from a newcomer’s perspective.

Therefore, highlighting those who are curious and attempt to make an effort is just as significant in the ongoing debate of internationals voting in Denmark.