Early-June art: Angela will leave your head in a spin

Check out exhibitions at Overgaden, the Glyptotek and Galerie Mikael Andersen

Spin ϕ
opens June 6; Overgaden, Overgaden Neden Vandet 17, Cph K; overgaden.org
Danish artist Lea Porsager invites you to participate in her thought experiment. What if quantum physics was discovered through a series of ‘births’?

In particular, she creates a link between Helena P Blavatsky, the Russian creator of theosophy, British women’s rights activist Annie Besant, Danish physicist Niels Bohr and German chancellor Angela Merkel through their ideals.

In true Porsager fashion, the exhibition will include metal beams. Within these beams her vision is explored through various mediums including sculpture, photography and film. (MD)

Jesper Christiansen
started May 22, ends June 30; Galerie Mikael Andersen, Bredgade 63, Cph K; mikaelandersen.com
Jesper Chistiansen doesn’t stray very far from painting and this exhibition is no exception. Known for depicting deserted spaces, his muse has led him to Odsherred if necessary. (MD

​Taharqa – Den Sorte Farao
ongoing, ends June 28; Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Dantes Plads 7, Cph V; glyptoteket.dk
Egyptian and African art merges in this exhibition that focuses on the Nubian rulers of Egypt. A sphinx of Pharoah Taharqa from the British Museum will be on display. (EN)