At Cinemas: Our spies give it a thumbs up

A friend of Ridley’s could never be an enemy

Distortion is here – resistance is largely futile but for those seeking refuge from the mayhem, you could do worse than a spell in the darkness congregated with kindred spirits around a projected beam of light. This week Danish cinemas finally play host to It Follows, David Robert Mitchell’s much anticipated horror film which, by clever appropriation of J-horror tropes, has had critics in rapture since its premiere in Cannes over a year ago. Find out how it fared with me in this week’s review.

Also released is the imaginatively titled spy comedy Spy, a Melissa McCarthy (Bridesmaids) vehicle that concerns a mousey CIA analyst who goes undercover to expose a deadly arms dealer and thus save the world. Co-stars Jason Statham and Jude Law – advance word is positive.

Over at Cinemateket there’s a continuing series showcasing the considerable talents of director Denis Villeneuve, who has recently been tasked, by Ridley Scott, with delivering a sequel to the seminal sci-fi classic Blade Runner. During CPH:PIX last year, I caught Enemy, Villeneuve’s Kafka-esque nightmare that invokes David Lynch’s Lost Highway and Hitchcock’s Vertigo, among other paranoid classics, to delicious effect. Jake Gyllenhall plays a history teacher who discovers he has a doppelgänger playing bit-parts in Hollywood productions and decides to investigate. It’s a surreal crypto-drama that had me picking over its puzzles for days afterwards, staying with me even until now. Cinemateket gives Enemy an official Danish premiere playing once a day from Thursday for two weeks – check the program for details at

Finally, in its ongoing Sunday series of Danish cinema with English subtitles, Cinemateket is screening Kapgang (Speed Walking), the latest offering from director Neils Arden Oplev (The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo). Martin, 14, is preparing to take communion for the first time when his mother suddenly dies. Her death then triggers a chain of events that affect everyone in the small community. Lost in their own grief, neither Martin’s dad nor his older brother are capable of giving him comfort – and so he must find his own way. The film starts 14:15 and an extra 40kr will get you coffee and a pastry.

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