A 50-year-old man has been charged with sexually abusing his now 13-year-old stepdaughter and is currently on remand following a ruling by a court in Næstved.
South-Zealand and Lolland-Falster Police arrested the man yesterday and charged him with carrying out repeated sexual assaults against the girl.
Repeated sexual abuse
The sexual abuse took place over a period of four years and the police consider the case a very serious matter, Politiken reports.
"We are talking about serious and numerous sexual assaults," Soren Ravn-Nielsen, the deputy police-inspector, said in a statement.
Pleaded non-guilty
According to the police, the sexual attacks took place while the man lived together with the girl's mother.
The accused has pleaded his innocence and requested time for consideration on how to proceed with his case. His term of remand term has initially been set at four weeks.