Grow a tache, raise some cash!

When the cause outweighs the rules: it’s never too late to join Movember!

Men in Denmark come close to perfection (or so my girlfriend tells me).

They’re generally tall, rugged yet stylish, can walk a pram down Strøget in the morning and play football with their team that night.

They drink excellent beer, eat large quantities of pork products and, strikingly, go in for luxuriant displays of facial hair.

Don’t worship false ideals
This isn’t really the case though. Men in Denmark and around the world face immense problems: every minute, for example, one man will commit suicide.

More than twice as many men suffer from alcohol-related health issues than women, and prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men – it affected over a million men in 2012 and research predicts that this will almost double over the next 15 years.

When looking specifically at Denmark, the picture is no brighter – drug abuse is a greater problem for Danish men than women in every measurable way.

There are also more cases of sexually-transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, being reported among men than women in Denmark, and this shows no signs of changing.

Top lip hair from Down Under
Melbourne started No Shave November in 2003 to raise awareness of men’s health issues. After developing into Movember, it hit Denmark and is definitely here to stay.

Movember has raised over 650 million dollars since it began, and it has directly contributed to breakthroughs in men’s health research and support systems.

To discover more, listen to Movember Radio on SoundCloud – it features touching and candid interviews with people personally affected or involved with the causes Movember supports.

The Weekly Post will be visiting likely tache hotspots throughout the month to profile Copenhagen’s involvement in Movember. Show off your taches via Instagram – you never know, you might find some sponsors.