Which will come up smelling like roses?

What constitutes the most beautiful rose? Is it the colour, the size, the scent? You can have your say on Sunday when the traditional annual rose election comes to Valbyparken, but beware: with more than 12,000 rose plants and about 200 different species, choosing could be quite difficult.

Valbyparken is the biggest park in Copenhagen and features no less than 17 circular theme gardens. Right next to those is the rose garden, which was created back in 1964 and contains a varied selection of Danish and foreign roses that give off a lovely scent throughout the whole summer. It is here that the annual rose election takes place every year on the first Sunday of August, when the year’s most beautiful red, white and yellow roses are chosen.

There will, however, be many other activities available. Anyone with an interest in gardening can get advice during one of the many lectures on growing roses, and can receive guidance on how to optimise a garden’s general environment. Every year ‘the herb women’ Nielsen and Nielsen give inspirational talks about how to grow herbs in your garden and how to use them in your cooking, and the focus of this year’s talk will be on oregano and marjoram.

You will also have the opportunity to take part in a guided tour of Valbyparken’s 17 theme gardens that range from HC Andersen’s Oriental Garden to the Children’s Millennium Garden and the Islamic Garden. Some of the creative minds behind the gardens will be present on the day to talk visitors through the process of designing the spaces.

Four times throughout the day, two therapists will give talks on horticultural health benefits in the kitchen garden, which will include a therapeutic exercise. If you are interested in gardening, you might already have discovered its therapeutic advantages. Recent research shows that gardening can aid in stress relief and lower anxiety and depression, and now it is even possible to take courses in garden therapy.

For the younger visitors, there will also be plenty of opportunities to have fun. Valbyparken’s adventure playground will be open as well as many other events in the theme gardens with a range of children’s games for the senses. There will also be musical entertainment from Copenhagen’s Fire Brigade Orchestra, and at the end of the day the popular children’s entertainer Sigurd Barrett will take to the stage together with his faithful travel companion Bear.

Should you get hungry during the day, you will find Café Rosenhaven close to the theme gardens, which will offer a special buffet for the rose election at just 99kr in addition to their usual lunch menu.

The annual rose election is a great day out for the whole family and with free entrance to the park and all the activities, it won’t even hit your pocket.

Annual Rose Election
Valbyparken, Hammelstrupvej 41, Cph SV; Sun 11:00-16:00; free adm; www.kk.dk/rosenkaaring

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