Just say “nej”, to drugged driving

The police say they intend to intensify their efforts to crack down on driving while under the influence of drugs.

Over the past five years, the increased attention to the offence has resulted in a ten-fold rise in the number of citations.

In addition to being trained to recognise when a driver is under the influence of drugs, police have also been testing devices that can detect the presence of drugs in a person’s saliva.

Jan Andersen, the head of Rigspolitiet’s traffic unit, said the devices have proved successful and that he expected to see police forces purchase more.

Half of drugged-driving citations were given out by police in Copenhagen, in large part due to the sharpened police focus on the cannabis market in the Christiania commune. – Politiken 

SEE RELATED: Online activists take on police in Christiania

This story was included in The Copenhagen Post's Morning Briefing for Tuesday, September 17. If you would like to receive stories like these delivered to your inbox by 8am each weekday, sign up for the Morning Briefing or one of our other newsletters today. 

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