Morning Briefing – Wednesday, July 10

The Copenhagen Post’s daily digest of what the Danish press is reporting

Shops refusing to take cash

Saying that it is expensive to handle and increases the risk of theft, an increasing number of businesses have stopped accepting cash. Shops say it costs them seven kroner to process each cash transaction, while the same transaction using a credit card costs just over three kroner. Businesses are required by law to accept notes and coins as payment, but banks are exempt from the cash law and have begun opening cashless branches as a way to cut down on robberies.  – Politiken

Major rail delays after DSB work-stoppage

Railway traffic nationwide was at a standstill this morning as employees temporarily stopped work in protest against planned changes the employees fear would reduce safety. The work stoppage included S-trains in Copenhagen, but not privately operated commuter trains. DSB sources were unable to say when service would return to normal. The employee meeting, which DSB said was in violation of their collective bargaining agreement, came after DSB said it planned to eliminate ticket takers on the Copenhagen-Kastrup route, leaving just the train's driver to ensure that all passengers had boarded the train.

Police warn young people against cybercrime

The national police force, Rigspolitiet, wants schools and parents to do more to educate young people about the possible serious consequences of cybercrime. Citing recent cases in which a 17-year-old helped shut down the NemId system and a 15-year-old hacked into council union KL’s website, police spokesperson Johnny Lundberg said that young people need to know that cybercrime could result in hefty fines and jail time. – Jyllands-Posten 

Right wing parties want change in child support system

The recent spike in the number of eastern Europeans receiving state supported child support (børnecheck) and sending the money back to their home country has a bloc of political parties saying that the check should be scrapped in favour of a tax deduction. Leaders from Liberal Alliance, Venstre and Konservative argued that changing the way that the family allowance was paid from a grant to a tax deduction would protect the state welfare system against increasing external pressure. – Berlingske

Bikers bilk bank for over half a million kroner

Two members of gangs with close ties to the Hells Angels twice tricked key employees of Danske Bank into believing that they were lawyers last August and managed to get them to transfer more than half a million kroner into a phony account. In both cases, an email was sent to a banker that represented the real lawyer asking them to deposit money into a client’s account. The con artists managed to convince the bank that they were solid and well-known customers. The police eventually caught both, and they have been tried and convicted of fraud in courts in Copenhagen and Glostrup. The money has not been recovered. – TV2 News

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