And around 70 percent don’t believe the current vaccine calendar will remain on schedule
Predictably, the global COVID-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic impact on the aviation industry in Denmark
From Hillerød to Herning, the government has set aside over half a billion kroner to improve infrastructure for cyclists nationwide
Despite falling infection rates, the government remains acutely concerned about the more contagious mutations
People are unable cross into Swedish territory without a good reason until at least April
However, there are a few exceptions to the restrictions, which are scheduled to be in effect until the end of the month
The Danes have visa-free access to 187 countries – on par with last year and just four behind leaders Japan
After spending a decade helping to turn around the embattled airline, CEO Rickard Gustafson will step down by this summer
Meanwhile, the airline is reducing its number of flights out of Copenhagen due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
The Foreign Ministry aiming to significantly reduce travel as COVID-19 mutations gather momentum abroad
Danish capital finished a sliver ahead of Amsterdam, but the Netherlands remained ahead of Denmark overall on the 2020 EPI Index
The move, which is similar to the one leveled at the UK, aims to minimise the spread of a another new COVID-19 mutation
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