Danish woman missing in Switzerland

The Swiss police have no leads in the disappearance of a young Danish student

Olivia Østergaard, a 20-year-old Danish woman, disappeared last Tuesday in Switzerland. The girl lives with her boyfriend in Zug and left their apartment at 5:30am to go to her university in Zurich. After not hearing from Østergaard, the boyfriend reported her missing on Wednesday. 

The Swiss police have no leads on her whereabouts and do not even know for sure if she even made it to the Zug train station. Thus far, surveillance cameras have not been able to help them. The Swiss police have set up a special investigation unit to search for Østergaard and have looked for her using search and rescue dogs and have also been using boats to search nearby lakes. Police announced yesterday that they are also now going to employ helicopters for an air search.

There have not been many tips from civilians, but the police have reported an increase in phone calls that they hope can lead to the Dane's whereabouts.

“We have received more calls from the public, which we are now analysing. But so far we do not have any ideas about where she is,” Marcel Schlatter, spokesman for Zug police, told Ritzau yesterday.

The police said that they had found no evidence to indicate a crime, but they have not yet ruled that out. 

According to her family, it is very uncharacteristic of the girl to disappear without a trace. They have not heard from her and her phone is turned off. They are hoping that she has just run away to get some time off, even though they find it hard to believe that she would do so. 

She is now reported missing in all of Europe, and police departments throughout the EU are on the lookout. 

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