Buster Film Festival
Sep 14 – 27; tickets from 15kr; buster.dk
Featuring a range of over 130 feature films, shorts and documentaries, this is a special event for young audiences that brings something new to Danish cinema.
Unveiling films that rarely see the big screen in Denmark, as well as exciting premieres, workshops and Q&As, the event promises a fresh look at other cultures.
Children will be transported to foreign lands, hear exotic stories and gain invaluable insight into the media and the development of creativity.
Low admission fees make it affordable, educational and exciting.

Baby Walks
Sep 2, 10:00; Danish Architecture Centre, Strandgade 27B, Cph K; 60kr – sign up via mab@dac.dk
Join this group of new mums for a stroll through the different neighbourhoods of the city. Check their website for the schedule. Up next is trendy, edgy Vesterbro.

Space travel & film:
Journey to the Space
Sep 8, 9, 15 & 16, 11:10; Planetarium, Gl Kongevej 10, Cph V; adults: 144kr, kids: 94kr; English audio 20kr
A space trip that takes your children through the solar system to the outer-limits of the universe. An enjoyable educational experience. (EN)

Open House (Åbent Hus)
Sep 1-13, 09:30 & 10:45; Jytte Abildstrøms Teater, Riddersalen, Allégade 7-9, Frederiksberg; tickets 40kr, adults 130kr
Aimed at kids aged 18 months to four years old, this Danish-language performance will take them inside a massive dolls’ house, guaranteeing laughs, joy and surprises along the way.