November’s ace in the pack


The self-proclaimed ‘World’s Loudest Band’ have just a few dates in Scandinavia as part of their tour this winter, and none in Copenhagen.

And if Aarhus sounds a long way to travel, you might prefer the option of crossing the Øresund and heading north to Gothenburg (Dec 1,

Whichever you choose, Lemmy and the boys promise enormous sound, blinding lights, explosive riffs and all the noise they can make.

The veteran rock heroes are some of the last men standing from the glory days of rock ‘n’ roll. There’s a thrilling, illicit feeling about watching Motörhead live. The energy doesn’t so much pour from the band as get thrown into the audience, tossed about and used as an amplifier for the growling vocals and rhythm-heavy music coming off the stage.

The whole lifestyle, one that many people thought died with the 27 Club when every other rock band was losing members to drink and drugs, is inhabited by Motörhead. Lemmy’s voice is still all there, as gravelly and defining as ever.

Whisky and the road have carved their way into his and the band’s sound without making them weary or resemble a tribute act of their former selves.
‘Ace of Spades’ might be what people today know, but ‘Iron Fist’ and ‘Thunder & Lightning and Electricity’ characterise the band just as well.

A group that named an EP Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers in 1980 and are still here today have to be worth it!