Bike boxes to prevent right-turn accidents

Some 57 bike boxes will be painted at problem intersections across Denmark to save the lives of cyclists

A total of 57 bike boxes will be painted at busy intersections across Denmark to prevent right-turn traffic accidents, which are a frequent cause of severe injuries and fatalities among cyclists, reports TV2. The boxes are supposed to make cyclists more visible in front of vehicles while waiting at traffic lights.

Over the past 10 years, right-turn accidents have cost the lives of 50 cyclists and accounted for 15-20 percent of all traffic casualties involving cyclists.

Thirteen municipalities will receive funds from the Danish Road Directorate, which has allocated a total of 3 million kroner for the bike boxes.

READ MORE: Focused on preventing deadly accidents

More visible
The boxes are squares painted on the road, where cyclists are allowed to stand in front of right-turning vehicles instead of being squeezed in a narrow passage next to the cars.

The Road Directorate was inspired by positive experiences with this solution in Germany, the UK and the Netherlands.

An accompanying campaign on the roads and on TV will show both drivers and cyclists how to avoid right-turn accidents.

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