Hateful graffiti glorifies death of policeman

Post & Tele Museum message applauded the Blekingegade robbery killing 26 years to the day

The Post & Tele Museum on Købmagergade in the city centre has been vandalised by unknown persons to mark the 26th anniversary of the brutal murder of a police officer.

The message inscribed on the museum's exterior wall read: "26 years have passed. Jesper E Hansen, you got what you deserved, you cop bastard."

Yesterday marked the anniversary of the infamous Blekingegadebande robbery at post office number three on Købmagergade (now the Post & Tele Museum), a side-street to Strøget that is also a walking street.

Hansen, an on-duty 22-year-old police officer, was shot dead by unknown assailants as they escaped with goods worth 13 million kroner. Although five suspects were charged with the robbery, nobody was found guilty of the murder.

Detected this morning
The graffiti message was detected by a police patrol at around 4:45am on Tuesday morning, but due to Købmagergade not being under CCTV surveillance, the police currently have no suspects:

"I am absolutely disgusted by this episode!" a senior police officer, Henrik Stormer, told Politiken.

"The action says a lot about the type of person we are dealing with. What if those affected by the crime were to walk past and see the message?"

READ MORE: PET and Justice Ministry acquitted in historic case

Police unable to remove graffiti
Due to the building being privately owned, the police were unable to step in and order the removal of the graffiti. This has resulted in the message being visible to anyone walking past the museum today.

Hateful messages targeting police officers – such as the one left behind in Købmagergade – are commonplace.

“We often find police officers and leaders are vilified or threatened in graffiti messages that are quite unpleasant,” concluded Stormer.

Per Fly's 2005 film 'Drabet' was partially based on the Blekingegadebande killing.


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