World’s oldest vocation needs to cleaned up, contends minister
The jeopardy continues in other news items, with the cost of funerals, the threat of fireworks and dangers of computer games all under scrutiny
Couples will have to sit down for 30 minutes for the benefit of the children
Million kroner fraud unrelated to recent Britta Nielsen drama
The children’s minister, Mai Mercado, concedes that improvement is needed
Stephen Gadd
Women from non-Danish backgrounds are heavily over-represented when it comes to moving into crisis centres
Stephen Gadd
Survey reveals that citizens from countries such as Romania and Bulgaria are using Denmark to marry people from certain African or Asian countries
It can be hard for parents who work odd hours or have changing shifts to co-ordinate everything with their children’s institutions
Convictions should play bigger role in cases regarding parental custody, argues Mai Mercado
Government proposal aims to tackle integration issues
Danish couple paid 750 euros for newborn Polish boy
Danish rules don’t adequately protect women and children from violent fathers, contends Council of Europe
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